Sunday, January 29, 2006

Soccer EH'

SO I joined soccer! Kinda unbelievable to me...except for the fact that the pain I am in proves that I am in soccer....This weekend was a major growing time for me. I never thought that a sport could allow me to see how many things in my life are wrong. I never thought a sport could bring out the worst in me...But soccer did and I love it because of that.....I mean not because I like being bad or anything but because it showed me the areas in my life that I need to work on. Now that I am back in Eston and the weekend is almost over I am enjoying looking back on the last few days and seeing the changes that have come about in my life...I always thought that something AMAZING would have to happen to me for me to see the areas in my life that I need to change but now that I know nothing profound has to happen for me to be cahllenged all I can say when I talk to the LORD is ....Soccer EH'


Blogger Jason Kerr said...

It's funny how sports has that effect on people. I have found that in my everyday life I can hide who I am from other people, but as soon as I get on the field/floor/ice my real side starts to show through, warts and all. Your one of the few people I've ever met who actually recognized this. That's pretty amazing.


7:28 PM  

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