Thursday, October 27, 2005


October 27, 2005
8:45 p.m

My alarm clock went off today at 7:15. But I didn't end up getting out of bed till 8:00. Lucky for me I managed to shower and get ready for class in 20 minutes. I don't have a clue how I did it..... but there I was sitting in my desk before the teacher started speaking.

I atempted to do my home work today down in the prayer room but the chair I was sitting in was so comfy I fell asleep. But I woke up an hour later to Rae trying to tip toe around me. Obviously she doesn't tip toe quiet enough. (heehee)
After that hour was over I went into Rae's office and attempted to distract her from her work. And I was successful. ( points for me)

I was blessed today because I got to walk in the rain with two of my favourite people......Rae and sylvia. They are amazing girls that God has blessed me with. I don't know how I would get through these 8 months without them.

As we walked in the rain......talking about nothing at all I started to miss my brother Marc. Him and I used to walk everyday together. Even when it was 30 below. I wish so much that he was here with me. But God has other plans for him and other places he needs to be.

Whenever it rains out I seem to get in this sentimental mood. It's amazing because I haven't cried yet today. But like I told Rae......the day isn't over yet. I'm so glad God made rain. It makes me feel so good when I get to walk around on a gloomy night with the rain falling on my face. I can't wait for more of these days.

But it is almost that time so I should stop talking about nothing and get to the things I have to do.