Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Follow the Leader

I haven't bloged for a while....Wow doesn't seem like that long. I guess I've just been avoiding this thing because it seems that they are becoming overrated...But maybe that's just my opinion. Anyway because I am on here I might as well say something....So here goes nothing...

The past while has been a huge growing time for me. I am learning things about myself more everyday. Such as, I didn't know that I could be a leader...I didn't know that I could delegate. (Is that how you spell that word? heehee) I thought that I was a follower and that's all I would ever be. But the saying I heard once has come to my mind and that is "To be a good leader you must know how to follow"...
My prayer is that I would continue to be a good follower so that I can continue to learn how to lead.
I want to say more but I feel the more I write the sappier I get so I will stop there and write something else again another day...Unless of course I avoid this thing again!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Highlight of the day!

So there I was standing by my desk dreading the feeling I was going to have 2 minutes from then when I would hear my name called, walk to the front of the room be handed my book review and walk out of the class. And that is just what happened. I heard "Miss Colleen Hill", I walked to the front and then I heard "Very good job!". What went through my head when I heard that was "Yeah right, he probably said that to everyone!" and I proceeded on out the door. I wasn't going to look at my paper. I usually hope for the worst and put off looking at my mark because I know it's going to suck. But I couldn't handle it, I had to look at it. So I opened it up and the first numbers I saw on the paper were 10/10. HOLY MAN! I couldn't breathe, my eyes were watering as they grew bigger and bigger. As I continued on to my room my eyes were still wanting to pop out of my head. I kept reading the numbers over and over again not believing what I was looking at. As I walked into my room the biggest smile I have ever had on my face developed and it wouldn't go away for about 10 minutes.
Thanks to those people who allowed me to jump up and down and scream " I GOT 100% ON MY BOOK REVIEW!" You are much appreciated!

YUP!...That's my story