Saturday, March 25, 2006

The Desire Of My Heart

I want you LORD like the ocean has the tide
Like the sun has it's rays
Like the night has the moon
and the day has the sun

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Loss Of All Control

Seems that everything is turning upside down. Exactly the way I didn't expect to feel when I got back to school is exactly the way I feel. It's funny how life can take sudden turns like that pushing us around not allowing us to know what we are going to feel next. I always think of how I'm going to feel through the next situation that life faces me with. How am I going to feel after this school year is over? How am I going to feel when I have to find a place to live? How am I going to feel when I have to get a new job? How am I going to feel when it finally sinks in that I will probably never see my friends from college again? Then every time that situation comes I feel completely different than what I planned on. Maybe that's God, maybe He is showing me that I am changing, that I can face situations differently than how I used to. But then again maybe it's just me thinking that I have control of a situation and I have control of how I am going to feel and than when the situation comes I realize that I don't have control.
I guess this is something I need to work on so that I will be able to better control the way I am going to feel. I need to get control of my feelings and emotions soon because grad is in 35 days and all I can say is I'm going to be an emotional wreck.

Monday, March 13, 2006

I dream...

Of owning a villa much like this one..except in the country...
Of going to this coffee shop...
Of walking in this church ...
and Of seeing this view in Tuscany Italy!!!

(Some day Rach...SOME DAY!!!)

Sunday, March 12, 2006


The wanting, the needing,
The wishing to move on.
The knowing, the understanding,
Of needing to move on.
Praying for the strength, the courage
Just to move on.
Then it hits, you realize,
You are moving on.
Then comes the anger, the hurt
Of knowing he's moved on.
Once again praying, for
The strength to move on.
The LORD grants strength
So you can move on.
Then comes the joy
Of knowing you have moved on.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Nephews and Hugs

Nothing feels the same as the love of an aunty for her nieces and nephews.

Today I got the privilege of driving to my nephews' school and surprising them. When they saw me their eyes lit up and they came running like they hadn't seen me in years. It felt so good to see my nephew, Triston, who is in grade FOUR (By grade four you would think little boys wouldn't care about their aunties) run up to me and jump in my arms yelling my name so all his friends could hear. Then there was shawn (Triston's younger brother)who was on his way to his moms truck and when he saw me he too ran into my arms and hugged me SO huge. There is nothing that makes me feel so loved as a hug and the hugs I got today are ones that I will never forget.